About the Company
Since 1994 the company FORTEC Czech Republic s.r.o. (formerly Alltronic, electronic construction groups and components, spol. s r.o.) in Dýšiná u Plzně has been manufacturing winding parts for use in various fields of electronics.
The company specialized mainly in customized inductors and small transformers (RM,PQ,EP,ELP,ETD), which are used e.g. in switching power supplies and DC/DC converters.
Since 1999, FORTEC Czech Republic s.r.o. has also been engaged in the assembly of printed circuit boards using THT technology and the production of DC/DC converters in cooperation with the parent company FORTEC Power GmbH (Germany).
Since 2013, in cooperation with FORTEC Integrated, we have also been assembling touch panel displays, including vacuumbonding and optogel technology, in cleanroom or flowboxes.
Number of employees: 33
Operating area: 800 m2